What Great Leaders Understand About Themselves

I recently had the privilege of being interviewed by Patricia Hirsch on her ‘Design Your Life’ radio show.

My topic was about the importance of leaders understanding what really makes them tick. In other words, what is that they really value? How do they ‘live’ those values each day? What happens when their personal values are not being honoured?


What happens is this…


  • There is internal conflict for that person.
  • When there is internal conflict, there is fuzzy thinking.
  • With fuzzy thinking there is lack of motivation which figures seeing as they don’t really know what they are trying to achieve.
  • This lack of motivation and clarity is often accompanied by a disconnect with their team, their peers and their superiors.
  • This in turn has a negative impact on their ability to lead powerfully.

Understanding what you value, what you believe and being self aware enough to recognise the impact you are having is vital for effective leadership – be that in workplace situations or in your own life.

Have a listen to this short interviewradio

It’s only 30 minutes.

Hear about some case studies of leaders who made significant changes in the lives of their staff, family and self.

These leaders

  • Clarified their values and made changes. Some big, some little. They tapped in to who they really were.
  • They became aware of how they perceived their world, and people around them. Hear how the latest in neuro science links what you believe to what you achieve.
  • Adapted mindfulness approaches to reduce stress, or their perception of stress
  • From this 30 minute interview you can learn more about how to achieve more as a leader in work or in your own life.

Patricia Hirsch commits a lot of time and energy to spreading the word about coaching, she coaches, and she makes a difference with her generosity in sharing and connecting.









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