Tag Archives: internal conflict

Just another day? Take another look and change it…

There is a lot of talk about  learning to understand self, your intuition and what makes you happy.  You might have been doing some reflecting, journaling, or mindfulness exercises. Perhaps you are starting to see some patterns or trends - maybe the odd epiphany! As a leader be it in your own life or that, plus...
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How not to act insanely!

You no doubt have heard the saying that expecting a different outcome from doing the same thing is a bit insane, and yet, in my work with people I hear this kind of thinking time and again. For example, a company (read ‘human being making decisions within a company) sticks with a particular action that...
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When will the rescue happen?

In my work as a coach, often with leaders in corporations or private companies, I see in their eyes a look of panic. A look of being trapped, or of waiting for the rescue vehicle to arrive and 'fix' their lives. The rescue that is going to get them out of their extremely busy, and...
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When things are great – but just don’t feel right

Have you ever been in a position where everything is going along well, really well – business is good, family is great BUT you just know that there is something not right for you? A feeling of ‘so what?’ – or ‘but what’s next?’ – it’s not a feeling that is particularly disturbing or depressing;...
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