Category Archives: Stress

Where are you?

Having the privilege to work with great and inspiring leaders allows me to work with them in this really rich space of  exploration and curiosity. The question is- Where are you? - or rather "Where am I?" Are you above the line which is collaborative and playful? or are you below the line which is overwhelming and...
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How do companies really use mindfulness?

There is much talk about Mindful Leadership and using Mindfulness in the workplace. But how do companies really use mindfulness as a tool and how does it really benefit the company and its employees? I was listening to the interview with David Gelles, a business reporter for the New York Times about mindfulness and meditation in corporate life. He referred...
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Free self coaching tool – 3 steps to change

Here we are racing through the year and racing towards the successful completion and achievement of those New Years resolutions - yes?  You know, those ones you set on 1 January? Sadly, weeks ago, many people by now would have  given up. Not because they didn't want to make those changes, rather, it just felt too...
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You don’t have to become a monk to smile and relax

The word mindfulness seems to have become a bit of a buzz phrase lately. It is often linked with discussions about leadership, neuro-science, focus,  high performance and clarity.  I don't know about you but I have almost become a bit de-sensitized to that kind of language. After all, we all KNOW about that stuff don't...
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Two words that could change your life

This video is 6 minutes long, you will need speakers, and a pad and pencil to take  notes. I promise it will bring a smile to your dial, well, I can't promise that I suppose. What I can promise is that through the laughter there is a seriously powerful message and strategy that you can employ...
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Goals Can Be Dangerous

I was reading about an amazing adventure that my friend, former client and colleague is undertaking right now. Sarah Wilson is an adventure coach and is in the midst of one of her own amazing adventures right now. It’s called Cook to Cook. (more…)...
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