“I am a better leader today because of the coaching I receive from Gai”

I began working with Gai when I first moved into a senior leadership position, a move that challenged my confidence, values and self-belief…and my ability to manage my workload! Thanks to Gai’s coaching, support, practical tools and methodologies, I am thriving – I love my role, I have my voice and can confidently express my opinions and speak up when I don’t understand. I have absolute clarity on my values, and how I can live them every day in a corporate environment, where often it seemed at odds with what I believe and how I want to be.

Gai has helped bring awareness to and develop my leadership strengths and taught me how to have intelligent conversations confidently – at all levels, and in all sorts of situations.

Very importantly, Gai has provided me set of practical tools that I use every day, to bring mindfulness and awareness to what I think, say and do. I am able to manage my time and effectively prioritise and delegate – most of the time! And when I do feel confused and overwhelmed I know I have Gai right there, to help guide me back on track.

Now two years on, I can reflect on what it has meant having Gai alongside me on this journey, and it’s pretty much impossible to put into words. I feel prepared for a new challenge and when the time comes, I know I’ll be extremely fortunate, and very grateful, to have Gai right there alongside me.


Carly Graham
Head of Enterprise Solutions & Service Design, Vodafone NZ.