Gai is very intuitive, persistent and caring. She mixes her corporate experience with her coaching skills to deliver a system that allowed me to understand who I really am and where I want to go. By investing time and effort into the process she matches this investment through providing a raft of tools and insights to help me understand my preferences, beliefs, values & strengths. A session with Gai can be as nerve wracking as a job interview because you know that you need to be on top of your game, you can’t gloss over issues and she has a way of drilling down into the core of what is going on very quickly.

However, this is exactly what is required and with her guidance I was able to move through a period of severe change and uncertainty with a sense of clarity and purpose I didn’t know I had in me.

You will only get out of coaching what you are prepared to put into it. The magic of this is that it is your personal investment so by not investing in it fully you are only cheating yourself of an enlightening experience.

Through Gai’s coaching I was able to understand in great depth my strengths, values, beliefs, preferences and a vision for myself. Insightful tools and material is used to help you understand what this means and how to apply it to your personal situation.

The outcome is a calmer, more focused, present and confident person. This projects itself into others in your life both personally and professionally.

I would recommend Gai to anyone looking for a powerful executive/leadership coach

Gary Runciman
Chief Operating Officer, Commercial Banking Asia Pacific. ANZ Bank