I am delighted with the outcomes of my personal goal

“I was coached by Gai in 14 sessions over a six month period in 2005. I was very keen and interested to experience coaching although I knew very little about what this really entailed in practice.

“Gai was very clear and structured from the outset. She was firm about the need to set clearly defined goals – both work and personal ones – and about the need to bring a certain amount of discipline and rigour to the process. While daunting, this was essential and ensured that I committed to the process and the work it required.

“I had not thought through what I hoped to achieve from the process and it was very valuable to be required to think about this at the. Having the scene, I found Gai to be incredibly patient and supportive. Knowing that she was committed to me and my goals, spurred me on to commit to do the work and follow up on our discussions wholeheartedly.

“I realised that I was not doing the agreed actions for fear of “being told off” (a driver I’ve often recognised in myself) or “because work are paying” but because of ’enthusiasm and commitment to the goal. Although she was very keen to maintain the structure of our sessions, she was incredibly flexible when issues arose that I urgently needed to address.

“Two particular situations needed specific attention and both provided opportunities to experience how the theory behind the coaching process could be put into practice. I was able to learn how to manage a difficult conversation and a daunting meeting powerfully and with confidence.

“The coaching process guided me through these challenges and has enabled me to develop new, more supportive habits in my everyday . I would thoroughly recommend Gai as a coach and I recommend the methods she bases her coaching on. I have grown enormously as a professional over the last six months.

“I have far more courage to speak out and make my views known; I am clearer in my communications and have become more decisive in terms of prioritising my time. At home, I am delighted with the outcomes of my personal goal; a mosaic mirror and a mosaic drinks table. Both took some time to complete, but I am very proud of my ability to “do them properly” rather than cut corners and can thoroughly enjoy them as works of art.”

J.I, PhD
Policy Manager, Public Service, NZ