I now get increased results with less input

“Eight months ago I embarked on a totally new experience for myself; external coaching. Gai came highly recommended and I can now understand why.

“I did wonder what I had gotten myself in for when, before our official coaching session had started, Gai had me doing a lot of preparatory work and really wanted to understand what made me tick. From there it was a great journey of discovery for me.

“Gai asked me how hard I wanted her to push me. I replied that I wanted to get the maximum benefit from my investment, so don’t hold back. A very good move in hindsight (though at some times during the process I was starting to second guess the decision!) as, not only did I achieve my objective set at the beginning of the process; I have changed for the better as a person.

“Gai took a holistic approach to her coaching with me and this has assisted me with my personal life objectives; not a benefit I had originally thought I would get from a ‘work’ initiative. Over the last 20 years of my working life I have been involved with a whole raft of courses, training and development initiatives and can confidently say that the last six months with Gai has easily been the most productive development tool I have been involved in.

“My key business focus was around my leadership style and interaction with those around me. Gai’s coaching has allowed me to become more strategically focused and achieve more through others while developing them at the same time. By using more focused and empowering actions I now get increased results with less input. A bit more time to spend with my family at home rather than stuck in the office which is all good!

“If you are considering embarking on a coaching programme with Gai, I would suggest you stop considering and just get on and start it!”

David Mortimer
Country Manager, Yates