Your Brain at Work – overcome distraction, regain focus by Dr David Rock

This is a book full of strategies for overcoming distraction, regaining focus and working smarter.  This book is written for workplace situations and offers research about the brains functions, limitations, and capacities.

It teaches us how we can direct our own brain chemistry in order to achieve fulfillment and success.  David Rock is expert at taking contemporary neuro science research and findings and making it understandable and usable by leaders and managers or anyone dealing with other human being, including themselves. Or rather, especially themselves.

The book talks about four key areas of working with others and working in workplace situations. They are

  • Problems and Decision making
  • Staying cool under pressure
  • Collaborating with others
  • Facilitating Change

It is written in case study style as the reader follows two people around through their day utilising the ideas and models discussed in the book.  This book is for anyone looking for simply effective and solid ways to interact with and manage themselves and others. What is really useful about this book is that it is written for workplace situations using examples that every manager and worker has been in.

brain at work

Included in this book (Page 196) is the SCARF model that David Rock has developed. This is a model that I introduce to almost every client. SCARF clarifies what each persons unconscious triggers for stress and reward are. A must for anyone leading others, and themselves through life and work.

I only recommend books here that I have personally read and whole heartedly encourage others to read. In the interests of transparency, this is an affiliate link to Amazon. Click below to see this book on Amazon.

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